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Before it got its name from Fred Hoyle when it was first mooted, The Milky Way was thought to be the whole universe. In the 35 years or more since I began studying this area of cosmology the numbers of galaxies known has risen by dozens to thousands, to billions and now to 2 trillions and some of these galaxies contain a trillion stars.
A very tall order for something a trillionth the size of a decimal point. Also don’t forget it creates all of the space in existence plus the very spot it starts from.
New Gravity suggests that the universe has always existed to the present extent. It was all empty space some of which moved. This random movement collided again and again, producing spin. Just what is spinning is space now individually contained as trillions of units each spinning eternally. Each unit pulling space towards it-New Gravity.
Newton’s gravity is considered to be an attraction of masses, this creates problems such as a force acting faster than light suggesting spooky action at a distance. Since New Gravity maintains that permanent streams of space are pulled by gravity towards every star, galaxy or any mass all the time. Light which has no mass is bent or lensed around massive objects in the sky as it passes through streams of space moved by gravity towards such an object. Newton’s calculations do not need to change since they are based on what happens not on any dogma of how.
The simple fact in all this is a fallacy in reading redshift in light as evidence of expansion of the universe. The most likely reason is of course that gravity is exerted by every object in the universe gravity gains power by addition and the further light travels the greater that redshift is shown. The rule is twice as far, twice the redshift. It really could not be clearer, expansion theory has no explanation for the Milky Way or local galaxies showing no redshift whatsoever. Whereas in New Gravity because gravity is easily the Weakest of powers, so greater distance is needed to attain the necessary effect than ‘local’ distances afford. ‘Local’ of course in astronomical terms.
The speed of light is not affected but the frequency is altered since space is moving towards the light the frequency displayed is reduced.
Light is moving away from its star and space is pulled by gravity towards the star.
Reference to my previous blogs will show how and why no imaginary ideas such as dark energy, dark forces, dark matter or the like are needed once New Gravity is accepted.